Click here for the winners of the Character Bento
and Origami Contests! Congratulations!
(Text in Japanese below each contest. 日本語での説明も下にあります。)
Join our contests and win prizes!
You may submit photos for the Character Bento and Origami Contests on this website! Multiple entries are welcomed.
The Kendama, Cosplay, Trivia, and Paper Airplane contests are being hosted live on-campus on October 5th (Sat). Times may change, so please check back in September.
Your photo submissions for the Character Bento Contest and Origami Contest should be in either JPEG or PNG format. Please send a brief description of your photo with your submission. You can submit them on this website, and the deadline is Sept. 27 (Fri), 11:59 PM (PST).
Your submitted photos will be published on this website on Sept. 28 (Sat). Contest winners will be announced on Oct. 5 (Sat) on this website (Japan Week), and potentially on other BC Japan Week social media outlets (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok). All of your submissions/entries become the property of Japan Week and may be used in future BC Japan Week promotions.
Prizes will be mailed to all the contest winners after the event. To receive a prize, you need to provide us with a US mailing address. But anyone can participate from anywhere in the world!
Please read the below contest rules carefully for each contest you wish to enter.
Questions? Contact
キャラ弁大会と折り紙大会の写真は JPEG または PNG 形式で、各大会フォームより投稿をお願いします。写真の投稿はこのウェブサイトにて受け付けております。締切りは9月27日(金)11:59 PM (PST) です。
当ウェブサイトで9月28日(土)より応募作品の一般公開をいたします。公開後、コンテストページにていつでもご自由にご覧になれます。 各コンテストの優勝者は当ウェブサイト、Facebook, Instagram, TikTok で10月5日(土)に発表させていただきます。なお、投稿された作品は広報活動の一環として、使用させていただく場合がありますので、ご了承くださいますようお願い申し上げます。

Photo Submission Contests
Submission Deadline: September 27 (Fri), 11:59PM (PST)
Character Bento (KyaraBen) Contest
Origami Contest
On-Campus Contests
Date: October 5 (Sat), 2024
Paper Airplane Contest – E Building Courtyard – see below for times
Trivia Quiz – B Building Room 104 – 12:45pm–1:45pm
Kendama Contest – C Building Courtyard – 1:00pm–1:45pm
Cosplay Contest – C Building Cafeteria Stage – 4:15pm–5:00pm

Character Bento (KyaraBen) Contest

Submission Deadline: September 27 (Fri), 11:59PM (PST)
Your Character Bento must be in a bento box (bento-bako). Please include a description and let us know what character(s) you’re creating/representing; any message to the eater; and what ingredients you used. A professional registered dietitian will also be judging with us, so create a well-balanced nutritious bento! You may submit photos for more than one KyaraBen, so submit all of your own creations! (Please do not submit other people’s bentos or copyrighted photos.)
Prizes will be mailed to the contest winners after the event. To receive a prize, you need to provide us with a US mailing address. But anyone can participate from anywhere in the world!
If you are having trouble with the form, you can also send us your photos via e-mail ( with your name, email address, and mailing address in the U.S. with a description of your bento.
Submission Deadline: September 27 (Fri), 11:59 PM (PST)
(Click Here) Text in Japanese / 日本語での説明
フォームに不具合がある場合は、メール ( にお名前、メールアドレス、住所、お弁当の写真、お弁当の詳細を書いて送付ください。
応募締切:2024年 9月27日(金)11:59 PM (PST)

Origami Contest

Submission Deadline: September 27 (Fri), 11:59 PM (PST)
There will be three age group categories (age as of Oct. 5, 2024):
Children (Ages 12 & under)
Teens (Ages 13-19)
Adults (Ages 20 & older)
- You may use scissors
- You may use any number, size or shape of paper
- You may not use glue or any adhesive tape
- Entries must include:
Name of Model
Name of Designer (if unknown, write “unknown”)
Name of Folder
Members from PAPER (Puget Area Paperfolding Enthusiasts Roundtable) will be the judges for this contest. Prizes will be mailed to the contest winners after the event. To receive a prize, you need to provide us with a US mailing address. But anyone can participate from anywhere in the world!
If you are having trouble with the form, you can also send us your photos via e-mail ( with your name, email address, and mailing address in the U.S. with a description of your origami.
Submission deadline: Sept. 27 (Fri), 11:59 PM (PST)
(Click Here) Text in Japanese / 日本語での説明
年齢別の3部門がありますので、2024年10月5日(土)時点での年齢でご参加ください。 子供の部:12歳以下
- はさみは使用可能です。
- 糊やセロテープ等の接着剤は使用不可です。
- 紙の使用枚数、大きさ、形状に制限はありません。
- エントリーの際には投稿写真と共に以下の事を記載してください。
PAPER (Puget Area Paperfolding Enthusiasts Roundtable) というシアトルの折り紙愛好会のメンバーのご協力の元、審査いたします。優勝者にはイベント後に賞品を郵送いたしますが、アメリカに住所がある方に限らさせていただきます。大会参加はどなたでも世界のどこからでもできます。
フォームに不具合がある場合は、メール ( にお名前、メールアドレス、ご住所、写真、参加作品の詳細を書いて送付ください。
応募締切:2024年 9月27日(金)11:59 PM (PST)

Paper Airplane Contest

Date: Oct. 5th (Sat), 2024
Location: E Building Courtyard
10:15 am – 10:45 am (Kids)
11:00 am – 11:30 am (Teens)
12:30 pm – 1:00 pm (Adults)
1:15 pm – 1:45 pm (Kids)
2:30 pm – 3:00 pm (Teens)
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm (Adults)
- The objective of the paper airplane contest is to design and fold a paper airplane that flies the furthest distance from a stationary position. The contest is open to participants of all ages. We will divide participants into different age groups for scoring and awarding prizes.
There will be three age-group categories (age as of Oct. 5th, 2024):
– Children (Ages 12 & under)
– Teens (Ages 13-19)
– Adults (20 years old and up) - There will be two independent contest sessions for each age group during the day. A morning session and an afternoon session. Prizes will be awarded to the winners in each session, in each age group. Participants can compete in both the morning and the afternoon sessions if they wish, although we ask the winners of the morning session to not compete in the afternoon session so that others may have a better chance.
- Participants must be present, on-site, to fold and fly their airplanes themselves. The participant who folded the airplane must also fly the airplane.
- Paper will be provided to all participants for folding airplanes and only a single sheet of the provided paper can be used for each airplane / for each trial.
- Paper will be standard 8.5″ x 11″ copy paper
- Participants must fold their airplanes on-site. Pre-folded airplanes are not allowed.
- No cutting, gluing, or stapling is permitted. Only folding.
- Participants must fly their airplanes from a stationary position, feet fixed. They cannot run or take a step forward when releasing the airplane.
- No assistance from external devices or individuals is allowed to launch the airplane or influence the planes in-flight. Participants must launch their planes using only their hands.
- Each participant is allowed two trials per session and participants can use the same plane twice per session or fold two different planes, one for each trial in each session.
- The scoring will be based on the distance covered by the airplane. From the starting line to the point where the airplane first touches the ground.
- The longer of the participant’s two trials will be considered for scoring.
- In case of any disputes or disagreements, the organizer’s decision will be final and binding.
- Participants must ensure that their plane’s flight path is clear of any obstacles or people before launching their planes and shall follow all safety instructions from the organizers.
By participating in the Paper Airplane Contest, participants agree to comply with all the above rules and regulations. The organizers have the authority to disqualify any participant who violates the rules or engages in unsportsmanlike conduct.

Trivia Contest

Date: Oct. 5 (Sat), 2024
Location: B Building Room 104
Time: 12:45pm – 1:45pm
BRING YOUR fully-charged SMARTPHONE! A smartphone is needed to enter your trivia responses. The quiz will be on Kahoot.
This year, to celebrate the anniversaries of Godzilla, Hello Kitty, and Gundam, we will ask questions about these franchises!
E-mail us ( if you have any questions.

Kendama Contest

Date: Oct. 5 (Sat), 2024
Location: C Building Courtyard
Time: 1:00pm – 1:45pm
Bring your kendama and gather by the fountain in front of Building C. You will be divided into groups according to your skill level.
ご自身のけん玉をお持ちの上、10月5日(土)に C ビル前の噴水までお越しください。時間は後ほどお知らせします。

Cosplay Contest

Date: Oct. 5th (Sat), 2024
Location: C Building Cafeteria Stage
Time: 4:15pm – 5:00pm
Meeting Place: C Building Room 103 at 3:45pm
Put on your favorite cosplay costume and come to the C-bldg. Room 103 by the Cafe Lobby at 3:45pm on Oct. 5th (Sat). The contest will start at 4:15pm.
Please keep your cosplay costumes/photos appropriate for a family-oriented event. Your costume should not expose more of the body than a regular (non-thong) swimsuit. Hate speech or symbols, no matter how character-accurate, will automatically disqualify a submission.
お気に入りのコスチュームを着て、10月5日(土)に C ビルのカフェロビー横のC-103まで3時45分にお越しください。コンテストは4時15分から開始します。