Clubs & Social Activities
Clubs: Clubs are now meeting online and available to all TELOS students. Please direct questions to Questions on meeting times and Zoom invites should be directed to the same email address.

Book Club: There is a long standing book club which meets monthly. Meeting dates and current month’s selections can be found on the Calendar. The Book Club meets on Zoom every third Friday of the month. To obtain an invitation, please email Past year’s Book Club selections are available here: 2019-20, 2018-19, 2017-18, 2016-17, 2012-16.

Politics Book Club: The Politics Book Club was formed in 2017. The book schedule can be found on the calendar.

American History Book Club: This club was newly formed in July 2020. Focused on books about American History, it meets online. Books are selected at each meeting. Send email to for details.
Social Activities:
Summer Bi-annual General Meeting with Lunch:
Holiday Bi-annual General Meeting with Lunch: