March 18, 2019 Minutes

Date | Time: 03/18/2019 2:45PM                          Meeting Called By: ASG President

Board Members                                         Voting Members Present: 4/4

ASG President                         Yasmin Hassan

ASG Vice President                    Nathan Levin                                  

ASG Secretary                             I-An Chen                    

ASG Events Representative Audi Brown

ASG Emerging Technology & Entrepreneurial Representative Beverly Ackah

ASG Social Responsibility Representative  Jordan Allen (Absent)

ASG Public Relations Representative   Marijke Thomas


Abby        DUTEC         ASA


  1. Commencement

Chair calls the BOD session to order at 2:47 pm.

  • Introduction

Introductions are made in order (name, position, gender pronouns) including all present ASG members and guests.

  • Approval of agenda

Motion to APPROVE the agenda for 03/18/19: Marijke Thomas, Nathan Levin

Motion Passes, unanimously

  • Approval of the Minutes

Motion to APPROVE the minutes from 02/27/19: Beverly Ackah, Audi Brown

Motion Passes, unanimously

  • Representative Report

Marijke Thomas

Working on the Gala, social media, election, and job description

Audi Brown

   Working on the Gala and election

Beverly Ackah

Working on the STF agreement, gala, and job description

Nathan Levin

   Working on the S&A committee meeting, Gotcha tour, and funding requests

   Yasmin Hassan

   Working on the timeline, election, accreditation of the college assembly

6.  Budget Report

Nathan Levin

1900- $31,932; 1903 $13,000; 1910 $15,000; 1984 $254,523 (until 03/18/19)

7. Action items

Approval of the PNEC funding request from DUTEC club

Motion to APPROVE the PNEC funding request of $305 from budget 1910: Audi Brown, Nathan Levin

Motion Passes 4-0-1

Approval of the CCD spring funding request from DUTEC club

Motion to APPROVE the CCD spring funding request of $3,750 from budget 1910: Beverly Ackah, Nathan Levin

Motion Passes 4-0-1

Approval of the tabling of CCD fall funding request from DUTEC club

Motion to TABLE the CCD spring funding request of $2,500: Beverly Ackah, Audi Brown

Motion Passes 4-0-1

Approval of the African Night funding request from African Student Association

Motion to APPROVE the African Night funding request of $7,369.99 from budget 1903: Nathan Levin, Audi Brown

Motion Passes 3-0-2

8.   Adjournment

  Motion to ADJOURN the meeting at 3:14pm: Beverly Ackah, Marijke Thomas

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