October 24, 2018 Minutes

Date | Time: 10/24/2018 2:45PM         Meeting Called By: ASG Legislative Affairs Representative

Board Members                                         Voting Members Present: 5/8

ASG President                         Vacant

ASG Vice President                    Vacant                   

ASG Treasurer                           Dat Do                   

ASG Secretary                             I-An Chen                    

ASG Events Representative Audi Brown

ASG Emerging Technology & Entrepreneurial Representative Beverly Ackah

ASG Social Responsibility Representative  Emma Teppner

ASG Public Relations Representative   Marijke Thomas

ASG Legislative Affairs Representative           Saghar Rasoulamini


Mike Kaptick             NSA students and professor Yasmin Hassan


  1. Commencement

Chair calls the BOD session to order at 2:45 P.M.

2. Introduction

Introductions are made in order (name, position, gender pronouns) including all present ASG members and guests.

3. Approval of agenda

Motion to APPROVE the agenda for 10/24/18: Audi Brown, Emma Teppner

Motion Passes, unanimously

4. Approval of the Minutes

Motion to APPROVE the minutes from 10/10/18: Dat Do, Emma Teppner

Motion Passes, unanimously

5. Representative Report

Dat Do

Worked on updating the financial code, finalized the Funding Request Form, printed physical copies and create electronic form of the Funding Request Form

Saghar Rasoulamini

Worked on voter registration, title IX resolution, hiring OSLA, meet with Dr. Weber, attend meeting in Olympia for legislative agenda 

Marijke Thomas

Launching student blog to incorporate platform for student stories, will be doing “Student Spooktacular” event on Halloween, will be conducting a student survey to hear their voice

Audi Brown

Finalizing the club charter, reschedule club fair, plan black history events, tabling for gratitude month, plan to table twice a week in November, finalizing criteria of award gala

Emma Teppner

Work on the Gratitude month events with Audi and Marijke, plan the next SESF committee

Beverly Ackah (Sophie Herald-proxy)

Reach out to club presidents to let them know that they can have their own website, contact different IT departments on campus, ensure the ASG website is up to date

6. Budget Report

Dat Do

1900- $138,502; 1903 $13,000; 1910 $15,000; 1984 $322,038

7. Action items

Approval of the BC Governance Diversity and Inclusion Appointment

Motion to APPROVE the appointment of Audi Brown to the Diversity and Inclusion council: Dat Do, Emma Teppner.

Motion Passes 4-0-1

Approval of the BC Governance Infrastructure Appointment

Motion to APPROVE the appointment of Saghar Rasoulamini to the Infrastructure council: Audi Brown, Dat Do

 Motion Passes 5-0-0

8. Scheduled business

Ghana Trip Presentation by Nursing Student Association

Go to an orphanage in Ghana once a year in June, access to care to children, bring back the effect in our community, helped make sure the goal of life

9. Announcement

ASG President: Yasmin Hassan, ASG Vice President: Nathaniel Levin

10. Adjournment

Motion to ADJOURN the meeting at 3:14pm: Dat Do, Audi Brown

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