Jan. 15, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting Minutes

Friday, January 15, 2016

Student Union Building, C – 211



Associated Student Government (ASG) BOD Members

  • President Frank Mueller (Chair)
  • VP of Finance and Communication Terence Chan(voting)
  • VP of Student Affairs and Pluralism Sasha Lee (voting)
  • VP of External Legislative Vanessa Ross (voting)
  • Environmental and Social Responsibility Henry LaVallee (voting)          
  • Campus Life and Events Representative Valeria Borodina (voting)
  • Emerging Tech and Entrepreneurial Representative Muhammad Hussain (voting)
  • Marketing and Public Relations Representative Mecaele Alemayehu (excused)
  • Chief Justice Trygve Vandal (vote)
  • Justice of Internal Affairs Kate Ivashkevich (Non-voting)
● = Present

o   =Absent

  • Justice of External Affairs Yazmeen Paredes (Non-voting)


Voting Members Present: 7/7

Guests:  Brandon Lueken (Leadership Institute), Lin Zhu (Chinese Student Association)



  • Nora Lance





  1. Call to Order

President Frank Mueller called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm.


  1. Roll Call and Introductions

Introductions were made left to the right, including all present ASG members and guests.


Advisors Comments

Nora Lance thanked officers for turning in timesheets by Thursday afternoon. Who haven’t done it yet can do it today, but she doesn’t guarantee that they will get paid on time. At least Nora can approve it.

There will be a Food Prep Grand Unveiling on Wednesday February 3rd from 11:30-12:00 in front of the Food Prep in the cafeteria.

Reminded everyone to attend the Black education Matters Lecture on Thursday, January 21 from 11:30. Will need volunteers that day. Duties include: greeters, passing out brochures, helping people get seated, serving refreshments.

Thanked ASG Officers who helped with the CEO visit this week.




  1. Minutes Review

A motion to approve January 11, 2016 minutes was called by Trygve Vandal, seconded by Valeria Borodina.

Vote passed 7-0-0 to approve the January 11th minutes.

A motion to approve January 8, 2016 minutes was called by Trygve Vandal, seconded by Muhammad Hussain.

Vote passed 7-0-0 to approve the January 8 minutes.



  1. ASG officers and advisor report:

Muhammad Hussain Emerging Tech and Entrepreneurial Representative: Website has been updated. Muhammad posted the latest approved minutes. Also, working on ordering new laptops for the new ASG officers.

Date for STEM Career day in May 3. Still need professionals who are Latino and     African American or Native American to participate in the STEM Career Day.

Working on a database to help students transfer from BC to the University of Washington.


Kate Ivashkevich ASG Justice of Internal Affairs

Just learning the job right now.

Had meeting with all the justices to discuss changes in by-laws.

Worked on BOD minutes.


Trygve Vandal, ASG Chief Justice

Has been set up traffic court. Everything is ready to go. Had the first traditional board meeting this quarter and it went really well.

Training Yazmeen with on-line club chartering since she will be taking over that job.

Has been working on college restructuring of ASG.


Yazmeen Paredes, ASG Justice of External Affairs

Talking to students about club chartering and have been looking over by-laws on the traditional board meeting.


Henry LaVallee, ASG Social Responsibility and

Has been doing OHEC Conference

Went to Boys and Girls Club to surf dinner for children 8-15 years old. May be asking                      for funding request for this project.


Vanessa Ross, ASG VP of External Legislative Affairs

Adjusting to the new position.

Working on OSLA MLK demonstration on January 22. In front of the fountain students will write their dreams on the parachute and letting the parachutes fly from the balcony.

On January 25th from 2:30-4:30 have a training before a Rally where they will talk how to talk to Legislators.

January 26th will be a Rally to Olympia, there are about 15-16 people to go.

There will be a WSA Board meeting in Olympia on January 31st. It is a part of a training how to be organized. Vanessa will attend it.


Sasha Lee, ASG VP of Student Affairs and Pluralism

The HBCU trip advertisement is going well.

There will be two advisors for the HBCU trip. One is Aaron Reader. The other asked is Antaknea Major. Antaknea will let Sasha know if she can chaperon or not.

Sasha went shopping with Valeria to purchase art supplies for the MLK week. The supplies will be used to make letters “I have a dream” Students will write their thoughts on a sticky note and put them up on the letters.

Sasha wanted to remind everyone that Black History Month is the next month. She will print posters out for this event trying involve more students.


Valerie Bordonia, ASG Clubs and Programs Rep

Winter quarter club caucus will be called “Speed Dating”. It will be held Thursday, January 28 from 1-3p.m. in room C130. Programs and ASG officers are welcome to attend.

Theme for 2016 ASG BBQ is “A Picnic”. Everything is going to be in white and red colors. Hallal food, vegetarian food and dessert will be served.


Terence Chan, ASG VP of Finance and Communication

Working on funding request.

T-shirt design for the ASG BBQ will be completed and he will bring it to the next team meeting.


Frank Mueller, ASG President

Thanked everyone for their hard work and to remind everyone to take care of their academics. School comes first.

2/11 is College Issues Day. There will be discussion on the college governance. Please read email that Frank sent out to the ASG officers.

Topic of discussion will also textbook affordability especially STEM books.

Sam, a YEARUP student is interested in ASG. Please help Sam when he comes to our office.






  1. Budget Review
  2. Allocated during Winter Quarter – $3,869.50
  3. ASG Reserve #1984 – $53,869.50
  4. Club Contingency #1910 – $10,946.00
  5. Cultural #1903 – $8,812.40


  1. Funding Request


  1. Leadership Institute Temporary Advisor- funding request represented by Brandon Lueken. The amount of money requested is $2900. The amount of money will be spent to hire a temporary advisor for the Leadership Institute. They are going to pay to the advisor $14-15 per hour. This person will be doing the summer leadership training, coordinate logistics for the Leadership Retreat, and organize events.

Discussion if budget 1900 can be used, but 1900 is already used by current ASG officers’ salaries.

Vanessa Ross told that it was really beneficial to have person who would help with leadership training because the previous trainings were great and very useful and they have to keep going.

– Vanessa Ross motioned to approve $2900.00 from budget number 1900.

Muhammad Hussain seconded the motion.

-Vote passed 7-0-0 to approve $2900.00 from Budget number 1900 to pay for the           temporary leadership advisor.


  1. Lin Zhu from the Chinese Student Association rescinded the $300.00 funding request for Lunar New Year Celebration. ASG will transfer $300.00 for Chinese Student Association publicity.

-Valeria Borodina motioned to approved $300.00 from 1903 budget for CSA to pay for publicity.

Sasha Lee seconded the motion.

-Vote: 7-0-0 Motion passed to approve $300.00 for CSA to use for publicity from 1903 budget.


  1. Nora received an email from Tim Jones stating that he had enough money to pay for the 2016 Pilgrimage. He will be receiving $150.00 from the President’s Office.
  • Valeria Borodina motioned to rescind Tim Jones’ funding request.

Muhammad Hussain seconded the motion.

  • Vote: 7-0-0 Motion passed to rescind Tim Jones’ funding request.


  1. Frank Mueller requested $199.20 to pay for pizza and drinks for the Phone-a-thon. Peer to peer and ASG Officers will start the Phone-a-thon on January 25, 2016. They will call all new Winter quarter students to see how they are doing and know what kind of problems they faced during first weeks.
  • Muhammad Hussain motioned to approve $199.20 from 1984 budget.

Valeria Borodina seconded the motion.

  • Vote passed 7-0-0 to approve $199.20 from 1984 budget to pay for refreshments.




Judicial Review by Trygve Vandal.

After reviewing the by-laws and the constitution   it was determined that the Chief Justice does have full voting rights. Trygve Vandal will notify Faisal, Assistant Dean of Student Programs about the change in by-laws.



Adjourning meeting

Motion to adjourn by Frank Mueller

Motion Seconded by Valeria Borodina

Meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm.






01-15 -2016 BOD

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