Oct. 19, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Date | Time: 10/19/2016 4:30 PM                                                                         Meeting Called By: ASG President

Board Members                                                                                         Voting Members Present: 9/9 at 4:33 PM

ASG President (Chair)                                                               Sammy Akeyo                   Present
ASG VP of Finance & Communications                                       Evan Bowman                   Present
ASG VP of Student Affairs & Pluralism                                       Abner Pagunuran                Present
ASG Chief Justice                                                                    Trygve Vandal                   Present
ASG Marketing & Public Relations Representative                        Mei-Ching Wu                  Present
ASG Campus Life and Events Representative                                Dariga Tugan                     Present
ASG Emerging Tech & Entrepreneurial Representative                    Robert Stewart                   Present
ASG Environmental & Social Responsibility Representative            Marianne Albay                  Present
ASG External Legislative Representative (Interim)                          Jahkari Aujla-Singh                        Present


Makenzie Santerelli                                              Coordinator, Peer to Peer


  1. Commencement

Chair Sam Akeyo calls the meeting to order at 4:33 P.M.


  1. Introductions

Introductions are made right to left (name, position, gender pronouns) including all present ASG members and guests.


  1. Funding Request
    Vanno Kong, APAHE Conference
    Chair Sammy Akeyo says since that he did not provide the updated project plan with the correct numbers, chair decides to move on to the next agenda item.


  1. ASBC Board of Directors Strategic Priority Initiatives 2016-2017
    Last week we tabled this item rather than approve it because of the wording. Trygve Vandal says we typically do not approve documents before we actually have the document that you are approving, so there is no possibility of any conflicting intent between what we are voting to approve and what the document actually says. Evan Bowman gets the document right away and will finish editing the wording by the end of BOD meeting.


  1. Meeting Minutes

Student Council Secretary Mei-Ching Wu does not have the Oct. 5 and Oct. 12 meeting minutes. Jahkari Aujla-Singh suggests to take turns to take minutes as has been done in some of the governance councils. Trygve Vandal disapproves of having more than one person taking minutes. He says ASBC BOD meeting minutes should be kept consistent and because every individual’s writing style is unique we would be risking that reflecting in the minutes causing different styles, formats and langue. Additionally our minutes are legally binding so it might not be best to compare them to governance council minutes. For instance other (most) governance council meetings do not deal with allocating money. Second, they do not have to abide by the same laws that apply to our minutes, and third, the governance councils have a greater chance to review and change their minutes than we do since they meet less frequently and have more time between meetings. Also whenever meeting minutes are not done by the next meetings time and we then cannnot approve them the funding requests that were approved in those meetings are not fundable. This topic will be brought to team meeting for the sake of time.


  1. Chair Report

Sammy Akeyo says on Monday various of councils write recommendations to Board of Trustee regarding the presidential search. Inclusion Diversity Council recommended that everyone in search committee should take pluralism training from the outside organization which are more prestigious than what we already have in Bellevue College. They also recommend three people from each constituency, students classified, faculty and exempt, and outside community members like people from UW, Microsoft and everything to choose. They recommended that there are two pluralism advocates on the committee. Finally they recommended that the emails coming from the Office of Equity and Pluralism should be passed on to the campu s community in their entirety in order to ensure that they contain original sentiment of the email.


  1. Advisor Report

Faisal Jaswal is not here.


  1. Announcements

Trygve Vandal

Everyone in ASG is required to attend Mid Year Retreat on Dec. 9 whole day. Social justice and leadership will be the main learning topics.

We need people for Traffic Court for about two or two and half every other week. So far Dariga Tugan and Robert Stewart are interested in this and will talk to them after BOD.

Abner Pagunuran and Jahkari Aujla-Singh

OSLA jobs’ advertising and promotion are on-going through tabling, poster, video, class visit.

Sammy Akeyo

ASG President needs to point someone from ASG to the Curriculum and Advisor committee. If anyone who is interested in, please talk to Sammy Akeyo afterwards.


  1. Adjournment

No further business items.

Motion to adjourn this BOD meeting at 4:58 PM: Dariga Tugan.

Motion Seconded: Abner Pagunuran.

Motion Passes 7-0-0.


[AJ1]Abner was the one who worded the final sentence from the council of inclusion and diversity (final part of chair’s report) so he would be the best reference to ensure it is correct but I think that is right.

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