Oct. 12, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Date | Time: 10/12/2016 4:30 PM                                                                          Meeting Called By: ASG President
Board Members                                                                                          Voting Members Present: 9/9 at 4:32 PM

ASG President (Chair)                                                               Sammy Akeyo                   Present
ASG VP of Finance & Communications                                       Evan Bowman                   Present
ASG VP of Student Affairs & Pluralism                                       Abner Pagunuran                Present
ASG Chief Justice                                                                    Trygve Vandal                   Present
ASG Marketing & Public Relations Representative                        Mei-Ching Wu                  Present
ASG Campus Life and Events Representative                                Dariga Tugan                     Present
ASG Emerging Tech & Entrepreneurial Representative                    Robert Stewart                   Present
ASG Environmental & Social Responsibility Representative            Marianne Albay                  Present
ASG External Legislative Representative (Interim)                          Jahkari Aujla-Singh                        Present

Catherine Nolan                                                  Pinning Club
Chelsey Mckeen                                                  Pinning Club
Hristo Stoynov                                                   Prog. Manager, Student Programs
Van Kong                                                          Coordinator, APISA
Faisal Jaswal                                                      ASG Advisor

1.     Commencement

Chair Sam Akeyo calls the meeting to order at 4:32 P.M.


2.     Introductions

Introductions are made right to left (name, position, gender pronouns) including all present ASG members and guests.


3.     Funding Request
Catherine Nolan, Pinning Club
Introduce the Graduation Ceremony of Pinning Club for 24 graduate students from nursing program.

Motion to approve $751.18 for Pinning Club’s graduation ceremony from the budget code 1910: Dariga Tugan.

Motion to amend the previous motion from the budget code 1910 to 1984: Trygve Vandal.
Motion Seconded: Evan Bowman.
Motion to amend passes: 8-0-0.
Chair asks the amended motion.
Motion passes: 7-0-0.
Motion to amend the agenda placing Abner Pagunuran’s funding request as the next item on the agenda: Trygve


Motion Seconded: Abner Pagunuran.

Motion Passes: 7-0-0.
Sammy Akeyo leaves at 4:45 P.M.
Sammy Akeyo comes back at 4:46 P.M.

Abner Pagunuran, ASG VP of Student Affairs & Pluralism

Introduce the information of Gift Drive for the Bellevue College community.

Motion to table $396.15 for the Gift Drive until the next regular session: Evan Bowman.
Motion Seconded: Marianne Albay.
Motion Passes: 5-0-3.
Evan Bowman, ASG VP of Finance and Communications

Introduce APAHE Conference from April 5 to 7 in California for $16,000.
Evan Bowman leaves the meeting at 4:51 P.M.
Motion to place the APAHE Conference after the meeting minutes: Trygve Vandal.

Motion Seconded: Abner Pagunuran.

Motion Passes: 6-0-1.


4.     President Search Committee
Discuss and share the resolution of the President Research Committee.

Evan Bowman comes back at 5:01 P.M.

Motion to adopt the resolution titled Student’s Participation on the President Search Committee: Abner Pagunuran.

Motion Seconded: Trygve Vandal.

Motion Passes: 9-0-0.

Motion to amend the agenda and place Hristo Stoynov as the next item on the agenda: Trygve Vandal.
Motion Seconded: Evan Bowman.
Motion Passes: 9-0-0 (unanimously)


5.     Hristo Stoynov, Prog. Manager from the Student Programs.

Initiate the discussion of the process of Campus Activity Board’s funding request approval up to $1,500.

Motion to move Van Kong’s funding request to the next agenda item: Trygve Vandal.

Motion Seconded: Dariga Tugan.

Motion Passes: 9-0-0 (unanimously)


6.     Funding Request

Van Kong, APISA Coordinator

There are questions from the board members about the cost detail. Van will come back to BOD until he comes up with the budget report with the APISA advisor.


7.     Mission Statement

Motion to adopt the ASG 2016-2017 mission statement: Abner Pagunuran.

Motion Seconded: Trygve Vandal.

Motion Passes: 9-0-0.

Motion to table this version of Strategic Priority Initiative to the next BOD meeting: Evan Bowman.

Motion Seconded: Trygve Vandal.

Motion Passes: 8-0-0.

Dariga Tugan leaves for the preparation of the 50 staffs’ recognition at 5:28 P.M.


8.     Meeting Minutes

Motion to approve the meeting minutes of the September 28th with the spelling corrections stated in the meeting: Abner Pagururan.

Motion Seconded: Marianne Albay.

Motion Passes: 7-0-0.


9.     Chair Report

Discuss about the ASG budget overview.


10.   Advisor Report

Faisal Jaswal shows up in Hristo Stoynov’s agenda item and has left after that.


11.   Announcements

No announcements.


12.   Adjournment

No further business items. Meeting Adjourned by Chair at 5:32 P.M.

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