Feb. 5, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting Minutes

Friday, February 5, 2016

Student Union Building, C – 211



Associated Student Government (ASG) BOD Members

·      President Frank Mueller (Chair)

·      VP of Finance and Communication Terence Chan(voting)

·      VP of Student Affairs and Pluralism Sasha Lee (voting)

·      VP of External Legislative Vanessa Ross ( voting)

o   Environmental and Social Responsibility Henry LaVallee (excused)

·      Campus Life and Events Representative Valeria Borodina (voting)

·      Emerging Tech and Entrepreneurial Representative Muhammad Hussain (voting)

·      Marketing and Public Relations Representative Mecaele Alemayehu (voting)

·      Chief Justice Trygve Vandal (voting)

·      Justice of Internal Affairs Kate Ivashkevich (Non-voting)

● = Present

o   =Absent
·      Justice of External Affairs Yasmeen Parades (Non-voting)


Voting Members Present: 7/8



·      Nora Lance



·      Shemshia Kassa ( Black Student Union), Glenn Jackson ( Highschool Programs)





1.     Call to Order

President Frank Mueller called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm.


2.     Roll Call and Introductions

Introductions were made left to the right, including all present ASG members and guests.


Note: Trygve Vandal motioned to amend the Agenda to have Funding requests placed before Officers reports. Valeria Borodina seconded. Vote passed 7-0-0.



Funding requests:

A.    The History of Soul Food Event presented by Shemshia Kassa from the Black Student Union. The amount of money requested is $2000. Money will be spent to serve food for about 150 people. Through the food BSU wants to get students together and tell about the culture and Blackness stereotypies. Shemshia provided menu options. This event is free and open for all students and faculty staff.

Officers had a discussion. Muhammad Hussain asked whether the Black Student Union would  put ASG logo on the posters and fliers, and provide a report how successful the event was if ASG did funding them. Shemshia Kassa promised to do that. Also, officers reminded to Shemshia that the food should be provided from place that has a food permit.

– Mecaele Alemayehu motioned to approve $2000 for The History of Soul Food Event from the budget #1903

– Sasha Lee seconded.

– Vote passed 6-0-1 to approve $2000 from the budget #1903.

B.   Healthy Food Event requested $1000. Nobody came to present the request.

– Valeria Borodina motioned to table the funding request to the next BOD meeting.

– Muhammad Hussain seconded.

– Vote passed 7-0-0.

C.        The Watchdog’s funding request for advertisement events and publishing the articles about ASG. The amount of money requested is $2000. There is no representative.

-Motion to Indefinitely postpone the Watchdog’s funding request for this session by Trygve Vandal

– Seconded by Vanessa Ross

– Vote passed 7-0-0 to indefinitely postpone Watchdog’s funding request.

D.        The SESF approved project of the “Tree Audit”. Students will collect and data about types of trees and locations on BC campus. They will try to make a map of trees on campus.

–       Motion to approve $3000 for SESF Tree Auditor Proposal from SESF fund by Trygve Vandal.

–       Seconded by Vanessa Ross.

–       Vote passed 6-0-1


Budget Review

a)     Allocated during Winter Quarter – $3,870.00

b)    ASG Reserve #1984 – $53,869.50

c)      Club Contingency #1910 – $10,946.00

d)    Cultural #1903 – $8,812.40



Advisors Comments

Nora Lance

Asks everyone to sign in for a campus tour. If somebody hasn’t done it before, please,   attend one of the tours with person who was done it. February 11th and 15th  college is closed.



Minutes Review

– Motion to approve the January 29, 2016 minutes by Trygve Vandal;

– Seconded by Valeria Borodina.

– Vote passed 7-0-0 to approve the January 29th minutes.





ASG officers and advisor report:

Muhammad Hussain:

Working on preparing for STF meeting that will be on February 23rd, 2016, from 11.30-12.30. Also, Muhammad gave a report about his trip to the SACNAS Conference in Washington DC in October, 2015. (SACNAS is a society of scientists dedicated to fostering the success of Chicano/Hispanic and Native American scientists—from college students to professionals—to attain advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in science). There were about 4000 students from different schools, 6 of them were from Bellevue College. It was a great opportunity to talk to SACNAS representatives from different schools.


Kate Ivashkevich

Reading by-laws and constitution. Worked on the BOD minutes. Attended Traffic court.


Trygve Vandal

Attended Traffic court. Working on getting new applications for new ASG candidates and on changing by-laws and constitution. Has sent the draft of new constitution to officers.


Vanessa Ross

Sent an email to the officers with her report about the trip to Olympia. Yesterday attended Textbook Committee. The representatives try to get a data how current teachers use textbooks in their classes. There were presented pilot program that will allow students borrowing books at the beginning of the quarter and return them at the end.


Yazmeen Parades

Attended Traffic Court. Chattering with clubs; reading by-laws.


Sasha Lee

Was helping BSU with organization The Black History Month Event. On February 10th will attend have Black Education Matters.


Mecaele Alemayehu

Approaching marketing position. Helping Valeria Borodina on organization of BBQ.


Terence Chan

Was helping to the Chinese Associate organization to sell tickets for the Lunar New Year Event. Working on different funding requests. And was trying to contact the person who can make t-shirts for officers and volunteers for the BBQ.


Valerie Bordina

Working on organization of the BBQ. Prepared responsibilities list for every ASG officer involved and sent it to all of them. Encourages to start working on event from the next week.



Frank Mueller

Next meeting officers will do a review of constitution changes. The Textbook Affordability Conference will take place on April 27-29th . Frank and Vanessa are planning to go. If anyone is interested in, they can fill out an application.


Adjourning meeting

Motion to adjourn by Mecaele Alemayehu

Motion seconded by Sasha Lee

Meeting adjourned at 2:55 pm.






02-05 -2016 BOD

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