My Red Shoes

By Callie Turner

My red shoes are going out tonight
With my yellow silk dress
They will dance on and on
Till midnight strikes

My pearl earrings are going out tonight
With my pearl necklace
They will be beautiful
White spheres on paler skin

Dark chocolate curls
Cascade out of rollers
My hair is going out tonight

Powdered cheeks
Rosy lips
Feet in pumps

My anxiety is going out tonight
With the stomach butterflies
Don’t forget to smile
Wave hello gracefully
A princess in appearance

The glass reveals my eyes
Pretty with black lash
Lids downcast with disapproval

My daddy comes downstairs
I’m still locked to the mirror
He slips a rose in my hands
A kiss on my forehead

Handsome in black jacket
Black slacks
Black shoes
Red tie on white shirt
Red like my shoes

Arm in arm we go to the ball
The best partner I could ever want
The marble floor beckons our dance
I won’t have to flee at midnight

Not like other girls
Held in arms of unproven men
Ambitious to dance with dresses
Clueless they contain living souls

My prince holds my hand
Along with my heart
I’m his princess forever

Red shoes
Red tie
They dance on and on
Forgetting other shoes
Other ties

Just us
Laughing while we spin
White smile echoing white smile
Midnight strikes
The other shoes leave
Along with their ties

Midnight strikes
And my red shoes are still dancing

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