StudentWeb is a hosting site for student club and program Websites. It is managed by Student Programs and Information Technology Services.

What’s so cool about StudentWeb?

  • It was designed for anyone who is a member of a club or program to host a customized Website
  • It’s free
  • You’ll gain more exposure for your club or program by the magic of the internet
  • Your site is a member of the Bellevue College domain, which gives it more prominence when someone is searching for you
  • Your site can be easily inherited by someone else when you leave

What’s under the hood?

StudentWeb runs a multi-site installation WordPress, an open source publishing platform.  Check out WordPress.org if you are curious about this system.

Why WordPress?

Because it rocks.

How easy is it to administer WordPress?

WordPress is one of the most widely used tools for web blog development.  In its simplest form it does not require any special skills.

How much control do I have over my theme?

Choose from a number of preselected Themes to jump-start your site. You can even tweak the CSS of the Theme you choose.

Can I create my own theme or install a customized theme?

No, not at this time.

My theme’s developer is offering me an upgrade with lots of extra features. Can I upgrade?

No, not at this time. We would rather you chose a trusted theme that we know is currently being supported and will continue to be supported. Keep checking the Themes that are available, as we periodically update them!

Why can’t I create my own theme?

The main concern with setting up new themes is making sure that they are well vetted into the system and they don’t hold back future upgrades to the WordPress platform.  Right now we are keeping it safe by using predefined themes that are supported as WordPress changes.

Can I get design assistance?

If you have questions, come to Student Programs and ask for help. We administer the StudentWeb and can advise you accordingly.

Is there a cost to the club or student program?

The technology behind StudentWeb comes from your tuition and fees. The servers are maintained by Information Technology Services, the same group that maintains all the servers behind Bellevue College websites.

Can I Stream Video?

Yes. Post your videos on YouTube or Vimeo first, and embed that link into your site.

How do I get started?

Submit your request to Student Programs. We’ll set up a site where you can log in with your student credentials.

Note that the site is separate from the Bellevue College portal, so if your login credentials change, you’ll need to change your password on the StudentWeb. Passwords do not automatically get updated across the systems.

OK, I want a site.  How do I get in?

If you are a chartered club or student program, contact Student Programs!

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