WordPress resources


Is a great resource for learning to setup your own blog.

Robert Mening has great guides available to help with WordPress.

For finer and more customization on wordpress here is a detailed resource.



WordPress (commonly abbreviated WP) is currently one of the most popular blogging/CMS(content management system) platforms for websites.

This website is run on WordPress in case you didn’t notice!


One of the most popular base WP themes many websites use is called Thematic.

This theme is highly customizable, several Bellevue College sites (as of January 2012) are using it.

The idea behind a base theme in WP is that the hard work of piecing together the theme is already done, all one has to do is create a child theme (based off of the parent, in this case Thematic).

For more information about Thematic and child theme customization visit: http://themeshaper.com/guide-customizing-thematic-theme-framework/