Feb. 8, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Date | Time: 2/8/2017 4:30 PM                                                                              Meeting Called By: ASG President

Board Members                                                                                           Voting Members Present: 6/6 at 4:32 PM

ASG President (Chair)                                                                                     Sammy Akeyo                         Present
ASG VP of Finance & Communications                                                    Vacant                                       Vacant
ASG VP of Student Affairs & Pluralism                                                      Abner Pagunuran                    Present
ASG Chief Justice                                                                                            Trygve Vandal                         Present
ASG Marketing & Public Relations Representative                                  Mei-Ching Wu                          Present
ASG Campus Life and Events Representative                                          Vacant                                       Vacant
ASG Emerging Tech & Entrepreneurial Representative                           Vacant                                       Vacant
ASG Environmental & Social Responsibility Representative                 Marianne Albay                      Present
ASG External Legislative Representative                                                   Jahkari Aujla-Singh                 Present


LaMeshia Reese-Taylor                     ASG advisor
Trevor Gamble                                     Math Professor


  1. Commencement

Chair Sammy Akeyo calls the meeting to order at 4:32 P.M.


  1. Introductions

Introductions are made right to left (name, position, gender pronouns) including all present ASG members and guests.


  1. Agenda Approval

Motion to APPROVE the agenda without amendment: Trygve Vandal.

Motion Fails: 1:3:1.

Motion to APPROVE the agenda with the amendment made the president’s report to officer’s report: Marianne Alby.

Motion Passes: 3:2:0.


  1. Meeting Minutes

Motion to TABLE the meeting minutes from Feb. 1st, 2017 to the next meeting: Trygve Vandal.

Motion Passes: unanimously.


  1. Officer’s Report

Trygve Vandal
Working on bylaws, contract of student tech fee and SEFF, policies and procedures.
Abner Pagunuran

Working on What IS events.
Jahkari Aujla-Singh
Working on Lobby Day and working with Liaisons.
Marianne Alby

Cleaning up, working on food pantry and transition.

Mei-Ching Wu

Working on ASG FB publishing and ASG Hiring advertisement

Sammy Akeyo

Working on Black History Month: the Night of Celebration.

Working on BC Governance.


  1. Budget Report

Sammy Akeyo

Budget Number 1984: $135,029

Budget Number 1910: $31,526 (Club)

Budget Number 1903: $50,684 (Culture)

Budget Number 1900: $245,465


  1. Funding Request- Math Club

Trevor Gamble

Request $5,500 for the Math Theater on Saturday March 11, 2017 from 6 to 9pm in the Bellevue College Cafeteria, aiming 300 people including community and BC students to attend.
Motion to TABLE the funding request for the Math Theater for $5,500 until the next BOD meeting because that it lacks of the process of the tickets selling and the details of the costs, and how the non-students to be charged: Abner Pagunuran.

Motion Passes: unanimously.


  1. Announcement
    Abner Pagunuran

Lobby Day happens to be the next BOD meeting on Wednesday.

Motion to APPROVE to have the next BOD meeting happen on Monday, Feb. 13, 2017: Trygve Vandal.

Motion Passes: unanimously.

Sammy Akeyo

Invite friends to Black History Month: the Night of Celebration.


  1. Adjournment

Chair adjourns the Board of Director Meeting at 5:08 PM.
Meeting adjourned.

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