Feb. 13, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Date | Time: 2/13/2017 4:30 PM                                                                            Meeting Called By: ASG President

Board Members                                                                                           Voting Members Present: 6/6 at 4:38 PM

ASG President (Chair)                                                                                     Sammy Akeyo                         Present
ASG VP of Finance & Communications                                                    Vacant                                       Vacant
ASG VP of Student Affairs & Pluralism                                                      Abner Pagunuran                    Present
ASG Chief Justice                                                                                            Trygve Vandal                         Present
ASG Marketing & Public Relations Representative                                  Mei-Ching Wu                          Present
ASG Campus Life and Events Representative                                          Vacant                                       Vacant
ASG Emerging Tech & Entrepreneurial Representative                           Vacant                                       Vacant
ASG Environmental & Social Responsibility Representative                 Marianne Albay                      Present
ASG External Legislative Representative                                                   Jahkari Aujla-Singh                 Present


Trevor Gamble                                     Math Professor
Troey Robinson                                   Black Student Union
Van Kong                                              Asian Pacific Islander Student Association


  1. Commencement

Chair Sammy Akeyo calls the Special BOD session to order at 4:38 P.M.


  1. Introductions

Introductions are made right to left (name, position, gender pronouns) including all present ASG members and guests.


  1. Funding Request- Math Theater

Trevor Gamble, Math Professor

Math Theater is an educational event that includes Musical, Math, and Chemistry. The clubs will join the booth. It will be free for students (200 tickets) and charging tickets for community members (100 tickets). Request funding for $5200 for the 5-hr event. Get to narrow down the questions in this meeting. Cafeteria’s cost is still unclear. Discuss the possibility that if the ASG only funds for parts of it, and the rest of money will pay back to ASG.
Motion to APPROVE the Math Theater for $5,200 with a cap $7,200 from the budget number 1910: Marianne Albay.  

Motion to AMEND the stated funding request to be $7,200 from the budget number 1984, and the amended with the stipulation that they come back to board with the fully fleshed out plan in a week and half: Marianne Albay.

Motion Fails.

Motion to DENY the funding request until the fully fleshed out plan: Trygve Vandal.

Motion Passes.


  1. Funding Request- Life of Malcolm X

Troey Robinson

It is Annual Event on Feb. 21 3-4pm at D106. The funding will be spent in refreshment and beverage.

Motion to APPROVE the funding request for the Life of Malcolm X event on Feb. 21 for $180 from the budget number 1903: Abner Pagunuran.
Motion Passes: unanimously.


  1. Funding Request- APISA and PIZZA

Van Kong

It will be held at Cafeteria to invite all clubs and programs to join the party before the finals for 3 hours long. The funding will be spent in printing, pizza, beverage, media cart and the Karaoke machine.
Motion to APPROVE the funding request for the APISA and PIZZA event for $1,200 from the budget number 1903: Trygve Vandal.

Motion Fails: unanimously.
Motion to APPROVE the funding request for the APISA and PIZZA event for $1,300 from the budge number 1984: Abner Pagunuran.
Motion Passes: unanimously.


  1. Announcement
    Abner Pagunuran

Lobby Day happens to be the next BOD meeting on Wednesday.

Motion to APPROVE to have the next BOD meeting happen on Monday, Feb. 13, 2017: Trygve Vandal.

Motion Passes: unanimously.

Sammy Akeyo

Invite friends to Black History Month: the Night of Celebration.


  1. Adjournment

Chair adjourns the Board of Director Meeting at 5:20 PM.
Meeting adjourned.

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