Sept 21, 2016 Meeting Minutes

ASBC Board of Directors Minutes

Date | Time: 9/21/2016 4:00 AM                                                                   Meeting Called By: ASG President


Board Members                                 Voting Members Present: 9/9 at 4:32pm

ASG President (Chair) – Sammy Akeyo
ASG VP of Finance & Communications – Evan Bowman
ASG VP of Student Affairs & Pluralism – Abner Pagunuran
ASG Chief Justice – Trygve Vandal
ASG Marketing & Public Relations – Mei-Ching Wu
ASG Campus Life and Events – Dasha Tugan
ASG Emerging Tech & Entrepreneurial – Robert Stewart
ASG Environmental & Social Responsibility – Marianne Albay
ASG External Legislative – Eric Pattison

Jahkari Singh                              Community Relations Coordinator, Office of Student Legislative Affairs (OSLA)



1.     Commencement

Chair Akeyo calls the meeting to order at 4:32 pm.

2.     Introductions

Introductions are made right to left (name, position, gender pronouns) including all present ASG members and guests.

Motion to move the meeting minutes as the next agenda items before the meeting minutes: Abner Pagunuran.

Motion Seconded: Dasha Tugan. Motion Passes: 6-0-0

3.     Meeting Minutes

Motion to approve the meeting minutes of August 31, 2016: Trygve Vandal.

Motion Seconded: Abner Pagunuran. Motion Passes: 7-0-0.

Motion to approve to amend the meeting minutes of September 14, 2016, to state that the meeting member Marianne Albay left before the motion of blind contour portrait artist funding request: Trygve Vandal.

Motion Seconded: Abner Pagunuran. Motion Passes: 8-0-0.        ““`

Motion to approve the meeting minutes of September 14, 2016: Trygve Vandal.

Motion Seconded: Evan Bowman. Motion Passes: 8-0-0.

4.     Funding Request

Trygve Vandal, ASG Chief Justice

Every year the Watchdog publishes the Welcome Guide with ASG logos and pictures in the advertisement space which is sponsored by ASG. The Watchdog requests funding from ASG for the postage $1,500.

Motion to approve to fund The Watchdog Welcome Guide for $1,500 from the budge code 1984: Dasha Tugan.

Motion Seconded: Marianne Albay. Motion Passes: 7-0-0.

Motion to amend the agenda item to place Jahkari’s funding request of Legislative Candidate Q&A as the next items prior to meeting minutes: Abner Pagunuran.

Motion Seconded: Evan Bowman. Motion Passes: 7-0-0.

Jahkari Singh, OSLA Community Relations Coordinator

OSLA requests funding $570 freshment for the event Legislative Candidate Q&A on October 6 and 7, 2016.

Motion to approve Legislative Candidate Q&A for $570 from the budge code 1984: Eric Pattison.

Motion Seconded: Evan Bowman. Motion Passes: 7-0-0.

Abner Pagunuran, ASG VP of Student Affairs & Pluralism

HBCU Tour requests to deposit $4,900 for 6 students with Advisor to visit colleges of black institutions in five days and help transfer.

Motion to approve for the amount of funding request out of the budget code 1984 for HBCU Tour with the stipulation that they have to report back within a month with all the details: Evan Bowman.

Motion Seconded: Dasha Tugan. Motion Passes: 6-0-1.

5.     Officer Reports

Sam Akeyo, ASG President

a.     Students on hiring committees
b.     Campus Artwork – Student Mural Project

c.     Student Surveys

d.     College Assembly Meeting

e.     Student Success Council Meeting

Mei-Ching Wu, ASG Marketing and Public Relations Representative

a.     Infrastructure Council Meeting

b.     The Watchdog reach out

c.     Print out from the Printing Service

d.     Welcome Week table Trygve Vandal, ASG Chief Justice

a.     Diversity and Inclusion Council.

b.     Black Lives Matter.

c.     How we will function with committees.

d.     How we can intergrade social justice and diversity onto Presidential search.

e.     Getting ready to do a showing of Acella to some of the officers.

Abner Pagunuran, ASG VP of Student Affairs & Pluralism

a.     Diversity and Inclusion Council.

b.     HBCU conference.

c.     Blind Contour Artist follow up.

Marianne Albay, ASG Environmental & Social Responsibility Representative

a.     Could not make council because at a meeting.

b.     AASHE Conference registered.

c.     BC food pantry new idea.

Evan Bowman, ASG VP of Finance & Communications

a.     Resources and Planning Council, came up with goals and scope of council.

b.     Brainstorming as liaison between Amber and UW.

c.     Turning over VFW connections.

d.     Budget tracker progress.

Eric Pattison, ASG External Legislative Representative

a.     Legislative Agenda, finalization this week.

b.     Coordination with governance officers and leadership.

c.     WSA meeting on Saturdays, preparations continue.

Dasha Tugan, ASG Campus Life and Events Representative

a.     Club Caucus agenda

b.     Club Hub in Welcome Fair

c.     Emailing clubs and helping them set up their orientations

d.     Switching classes so I am available for my council meeting

Robert Stewart, ASG Emerging Tech & Entrepreneurial Representative

a.     Emailing Kaven Kroram about his proposal for a Hack-athan

b.     Emailing Jarka about the order for ASG’s new devices

c.     Working on putting together a student survey for feedback on the remodel of NZSC

d.     Infrastructure Council Meeting

6.     Advisor Report Faisal is absent

7.     Announcements No announcements

8.     Adjournment

Meeting Adjourned by Chair at 5:34 pm.

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