Oct. 26, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Date | Time: 10/26/2016 4:31 PM                                                                          Meeting Called By: ASG President
Board Members                                                                                          Voting Members Present: 9/9 at 4:32 PM

ASG President                                                                         Sammy Akeyo                   Present
ASG VP of Finance & Communications                                       Evan Bowman                   Present
ASG VP of Student Affairs & Pluralism (Chair)                             Abner Pagunuran                Present
ASG Chief Justice                                                                    Trygve Vandal                   Present
ASG Marketing & Public Relations Representative                        Mei-Ching Wu                  Present
ASG Campus Life and Events Representative                                Dariga Tugan                     Present
ASG Emerging Tech & Entrepreneurial Representative                    Robert Stewart                   Present
ASG Environmental & Social Responsibility Representative            Marianne Albay                  Present
ASG External Legislative Representative                                      Jahkari Aujla-Singh                        Present

Lameshia Reese-Tayler                                                     ASG Advisor

1.     Commencement

Chair Abner Pagunuran calls the meeting to order at 4:31 P.M.


2.     Roll Call

Introductions are made right to left (name, position, gender pronouns) including all present ASG members and guests.


3.     ASBC Board of Directors Strategic Priority Initiatives 2016 -2017

Motion to adopt the ASBC Board of Directors Strategic Priority Initiatives 2016 -2017 in order to simply the communication: Sammy Akeyo.

Motion Seconded: Trygve Vandal

Motion Passes 8-0-0.


4.     Sound Transit 3 Endorsement

Abner Pagunuran

Read the documents in our hand in resolution format that are wanted to endorse by ASG.

Sammy Akeyo

Remember around a month ago Kelly from ST3 campaign came in the BOD meeting and gave a short presentation about it. Board felt uncomfortable to endorse if there was no clear information about ST3. Keep discussing and share the information around the table.

Motion to adopt the Sound Transit 3 endorsement: Sammy Akeyo

Motion Seconded: Marianne Albay

Motion Passes 8-0-0


5.     HBCU Presentation (non-voting item)

Abner Pagunuran

The HBCU trip will be held on March 27 to April 1 during spring break so that students will not miss class. We work with the organization Stepping in the Right Direction to bring students to visit History Black Colleges. In the past we visited 2 universities a day, brought resumes and were being ready to apply the school. Also colleges were ready to accept these spots.

This year we plan to bring 6 Students (3 males and 3 females) and 1 Chaperone. It costs $1,700 per person including airfare, hotel, 3 meals a day, travel, and backpack with a journal.

Trygve Vandal

Last year we brought more students than this year, so the total expense is more than this year.

Lameshia Reese-Tayler

Who can qualify to attend this trip?

Abner Pagunuran

The application will be done near the middle of the winter quarter. It will be open to all students but we will prioritize based on the student’s interests on history black college.

Lameshia Reese-Tayler

Do we know how many students got acceptance from these schools from last year?

Abner Pagunuran

Last year students who attended were no ready to transfer, so no person got acceptance. This year we will refine the application so that students prepare and are willing to apply the colleges.

Robert Stewart

Do we have the transfer acceptance rate? Are there any local college go to this tour?

Abner Pagunuran

We can get back the data from the individual college. I don’t know any local college goes to the tour, but there are other colleges from other state also go to the tour.

Sammy Akeyo

I can share the data from some of the colleges….

Evan Bowman

Who will be the Chaperon and involving the selection?

Abner Pagunuran

Nora and me are working on that. We are looking for the chaperon who is familiar with the trip and is easy to communicate with.

Trygve Vandal

If there is any timeline set up for the application and selection process?

Abner Pagunuran

We haven’t set up the time because it will happen in the winter quarter. But we are still reforming the application so that the application will be more comprehensive than last year.

Trygve Vandal

I suggest that the people who design and write the application can also attend the selection committee to target the certain candidates. Make sure the GPA minimum is set higher to 2.7.


6.     Meeting Minutes

Motion to approve Oct. 5 Meeting Minutes with the amended formatting: Trygve Vandal

Motion Seconded: Dariga Tugan

Motion Passes 8-0-0.

Motion to approve Oct. 12 Meeting Minutes with the amended formating: Trygvey Vandal

Motion Seconded: Sammy Akeyo

Motion Passes 8-0-0.


7.     Budget Review

Evan Bowman

1900: $242, 433

1903: $48, 181

1910: $32, 881

1984: $145,067


8.     President’s Report

Sammy Akeyo

Board of Trustee special meeting for President Search Committee

a new ASG Team Meeting agenda and form

One on one


9.     Advisor Report

No special items.


10.   Announcements

Jahkari Aujla-Singh

Everyone please finish the survey inputs by end of this week so ASG External Legislative Representative can make the legislative agenda.

Trygve Vandal

Voting software

Abner Pagunuran

Gift Drive updates

Mei-Ching Wu

Halloween activities for next ASG Team Meeting


11.   Motion to add a discussion item for the discussion of Supreme Court Justice: Sammy Akeyo

Motion Seconded: Evan Bowman

Motion Passes 8-0-0.

Sammy Akeyo

10 Students and 1 Advisor will have lunch with Supreme Court justice from 12:30PM-1:30PM.


12.   Public Comments

No public comments.


13.   Adjournment

No further business items.

Motion to adjourn the meeting: Sammy Akeyo

Motion Seconded: Jahkari Aujla-Singh

Motion Passes 8-0-0.
Meeting adjourns at 5:12 P.M.

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