Jan 11, 2016 Emergency Meeting Minutes

Emergency Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting Minutes

Monday, January 11, 2016

Student Union Building, C – 211



Associated Student Government (ASG) BOD Members

  • President Frank Mueller (Chair)
  • VP of Finance and Communication Terence Chan (voting)
  • VP of Student Affairs and Pluralism Sasha Lee (voting)
  • VP of External Legislative Vanessa Ross (voting)
  • Environmental and Social Responsibility Henry LaVallee (voting)          
  • Campus Life and Events Representative Valeriia Borodina (voting)
  • Emerging Tech and Entrepreneurial Representative Muhammad Hussain (voting)
  • Marketing and Public Relations Representative Mecaele Alemayehu (voting), (arrive at meeting at 5:20 p.m. (excused tardy due to class)
  • Chief Justice Trygve Vandal (Non-voting)
  • Justice of Internal Affairs Kate Ivashkevich (Non-voting)
● = Present

o   =Absent

  • Justice of External Affairs Yasmeen Parades(Non-voting)


Voting Members Present: 6/7, after 5:20 p.m.- 7/7


Visiting guest:  Andy Norris (DECA) and Kyle Barber (DECA)



  • Nora Lance





  1. Call to Order

President Frank Mueller called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm.


  1. Roll Call and Introductions

Introductions were made left to right, including all present ASG members.



  1. Budget Review
  2. Allocated during Winter Quarter – $13,869,50
  3. ASG Reserve #1984 – $63,869
  4. Club Contingency #1910 – $10,946
  5. Cultural #1903 – $8,812


  1. ASG members report:

Henry gave a report about the Model UN’s visit to the Czech Republic. Six students and 1 faculty went on the trip. It was an enriching experience. They won several awards. They are look forward to the Spring Conference in New York.

  1. Funding Request


  1. SESF

Henry LaVallee requested funding from SESF fund to pay $600 for the project addresses sustainability issues on the BC campus by improving sustainability education in IDS program at BC. Two IDS Teaching teams will meet, review each other’s syllabi and assignments, visit classes, and offer feedback on how both content and pedagogy related to sustainability could be improved in each other’s classes.

This request has already been approved by the SESF committee members.

-Valeriia Borodina motioned that ASG fund $600.00 from the SESF fund.

Sasha Lee seconded. Vote passed 5-0-1.

  1. SESF


Henry LaVallee requested funding from SESF fund $3000.00 to have a tree audit. This position will collect and data about types and locations on BC campus.

– Trygve Vandal motioned that ASG Fund $3,000 to pay for the tree audit, Valeriia Borodina seconded the motion. Vote passed 5-0-1


  1. DECA

Andy Norris from the DECA club presenting three funding options for 50 students and 4 advisors. The money required to go to the state competition in Spokane. They presented four funding amounts depending on their mode of transportation. Kyle Barber, DECA advisor, said the Risk Committee thought the safest way was to hire a bus.


Option 1: Airplane, registration, hotel, food  $31,000

Option 2: Train, registration, hotel, food, $27,000

Option 3: Bus, registration, hotel, food $22,000

Option 4 Driving, registration, hotel, food $20,000

Sasha asked if they can reduce the number of attendees and also have the participants pay for their own meals. Kyle said he was trying to expand the programs and has 88 students enrolled in DECA so that 50 was not that large of a number to take to the competition. DECA has represented the school well. They have competed against 4 year universities and has won awards.

-Motion to approve $11000 from budget #1984 by Trygve Vandal, seconded by Henry LaVallee. Vote passed 4-1-2.

  1. Coffee Talk – Chi Alpha Club.

The amount of money requested is $274.00. The funding request covers 30 cups of coffee once a week. The main idea of event is a developing friendship between students, sharing their outclass experience and talk to student about religion. It is successful and over 20 students come to this event.   First motion by Muhammad Hussain, seconded by Valeriia Borodina. Vote passed 7-0-0, approved from budget # 1984.

Trygve Vandal motioned for the meeting to be adjourned.

Valeriia Borodina seconded. Vote passed 7-0-0.

Minutes adjourned at 5.53 p.m.

Second meeting

Meeting was called to order at 5:55 p.m. by ASG President Frank Mueller.

It was pointed out by Faisal Jaswal, Assistant Dean of Student Programs that Trygve Vandal, Chief Justice, could not motion to fund the DECA funding since he had been a member of DECA. Faisal also asked officers who abstained to vote. If they were against the funding they should vote no and not abstain.

Vanessa Ross asked ASG Officers what amount they would be agreeable to fund. The average amount was $10,000.

Motion to approve $10,000 for the DECA Competition in Spokane by Vanessa Ross,

Seconded by Muhammad Hussain.

Vote passed 6-0-1

Motion to adjourned by Valeriia Borodina

Sasha Lee seconded the motion;

Vote: 7-0-0

Meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m.











01-11-2016 BOD

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